< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1029820091747592&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> Fiber Laser Marking Machine Non-Contact Permanent Identification - Laserscheme

Fiber Laser Marking Machine Non-Contact Permanent Identification

A fiber laser marking machine is a marking method that uses a high-energy density laser beam to act on a target, causing physical or chemical changes to the surface of the target, to obtain visible patterns. The firm and permanent nature of the marks generated by the laser on the surface of the workpiece is its prominent feature.

Fiber laser marking machine is an important application of the laser processing principle, which uses processed laser beams to irradiate the surface of materials, converting light energy into heat energy in an instant, causing the surface material to melt or even vaporize, thus forming a mark.


In recent years, laser marking technology has been increasingly applied in the printing field. Fiber laser marking machines can be applied to various materials including plastic and rubber, metal, silicon chips, etc. Fiber laser marking machines are simple and easy to operate. As long as you understand basic computer knowledge, you can operate.

In the marking printing industry, fiber laser marking machine has the following characteristics.

1. The mark will not fade due to environmental factors such as touch, acidic and alkaline gases, high temperature, low temperature, etc.

2. The markings carved using a fiber laser marking machine are not easy to copy and change, and to a certain extent, they have strong anti-counterfeiting properties.

3. It does not cause corrosion to the working surface, has no “tool” wear, is non-toxic, and is a clean and pollution-free high environmental processing technology.

4. Fiber laser marking machines can process various metal and non-metallic materials (aluminum, copper, iron, wood products, etc.).

Laser Marking Machine Samples

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