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Metal Cleaning Made Easy: A Guide to Fiber Laser Cleaners

What is a fiber laser cleaning machine?
Laser cleaning machines use laser power to clean material surfaces. Laser cleaning can be used to clean a variety of materials, including ceramics, different metals, and alloys. Fiber laser systems are the most efficient type of laser, using a straight and smaller beam for focused cleaning.
It’s a non-contact cleaning method we’re proud of that doesn’t involve any chemicals, abrasives, or mechanical force to remove contaminants from material surfaces.

Fiber lasers amplify laser light within a special range of fiber optic cables. The laser beam produced by the fiber optic cable is more focused, more powerful, and better controlled. Fiber laser cleaning machines are also advanced machines that are more energy-saving and environmentally friendly than ordinary laser systems.
These high-tech machines can be fine-tuned to clean delicate surfaces with precision. Fiber laser cleaners are more efficient and are the first choice for demanding industries that require precision and quality.

How do fiber laser cleaners work?
Fiber laser cleaners use fiber laser technology to use high-density laser beams to remove dust, debris, oil, rust or other contaminants from metal surfaces.
Laser generation or beam delivery works similarly to any other laser machine. Fiber lasers produce highly focused, nanosecond-length pulsed laser beams. The beam is transmitted to the metal workpiece via a fiber optic cable.
Fiber laser control systems control the movement and intensity of the beam. It ensures that the fiber laser is accurately positioned and focused on the workpiece.
When a laser beam strikes a metal surface, the energy is absorbed by the top layer. The substrate covering the metal or container will turn into a gas, or the pressure and heat will separate them from the metal surface.

Fiber laser cleaning is the most accurate, efficient and easy way to clean metals of various densities. However, correct laser settings are crucial for precise laser cleaning results.

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What contaminants can a fiber laser cleaning machine remove?
Laser cleaning machines can effectively remove a variety of contaminants. Here are some of the contaminants that fiber laser cleaners can remove.
1. Rust
Rust is a common contaminant on metal parts. Rust removal is not only essential for the aesthetics of the finished product but is also important as a pre-treatment before welding, joining painting, or gluing processes. Unlike traditional methods, laser beam rust removal is quick and risk-free.
2. Varnishes and paints
Paint and varnish are difficult to remove. During the metal fabrication process, stripping paint, varnish, or powder coating can become cumbersome. Materials such as aluminum alloys, copper and steel can be easily scratched if any abrasive material is used for cleaning.
Laser energy can vibrate even thick, old paint coatings and remove them cleanly. Laser paint removal is easy and hassle-free. They can even remove epoxy coatings.
3. Grease and oil
Grease and oil stains on metal surfaces are difficult to ,remove. Laser beams can remove these stains without damaging the underlying metal surface.
4. Adhesives and glues
Adhesives and glues are often used to join disparate metal or non-metallic pieces. Improper application can stain surrounding materials, making it look unsightly, and may prevent further processing. The laser beam can target areas to remove adhesives and glue stains from tight, hard-to-reach spaces.
5. Removal of scale and oxides
Limescale is mineral deposits on metal surfaces that are difficult to remove if left for a long time. Laser cleaners can remove traces of oxidation, scale, and even thermal discoloration from metal surfaces.
6. Welding residue
Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal together after being melted. It can leave marks on the sides and even scratches on the metal surface, which are easier to remove from the metal surface.
7. Dirt and Debris
Dirt and debris are common on metal parts. They will grow and harden over time. The laser cleaning process removes dust and debris from metal surfaces.
Advantages of using fiber laser metal cleaning machine
Here are some of the advantages of using a fiber laser cleaner.
1 – Less time consuming
Whether it’s debris, paint, oil, or rust, any cleaning process done through traditional means takes time and effort. The cleaning speed of a fiber laser machine cannot be compared to other traditional painting or rust removal methods. Laser systems are high-speed cleaning machines that save time during the manufacturing process.
You may be wondering how different cleaning methods compare, such as fiber laser cleaning and thermal cleaning.
2 – Protect the substrate
Any other traditional cleaning method involves abrasive materials or chemicals that can leave scratches or damage the substrate. Laser cleaning equipment does not require scratching or scrapping material. It is a non-contact method with good cleaning effect, and the laser power will not damage the metal surface.
3 – Environmental Protection
Fiber lasers do not use chemicals or solvents to remove stubborn contaminants, so they cause no environmental concerns. Lasers are high-tech equipment that, if used properly, pose no threat to the environment.
4 – Cost-effective solution
While one might think laser machines are expensive, they are ideal for large industries and can save time and labor. They work quickly and can clean large amounts of metal in less time.
If we use traditional methods, cleaning these metal parts requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, a laser machine may be a one-time investment, but it can save a lot of labor and time, reduce operating costs, and become a cost-saving solution in the long run.
5 – Spatial selectivity
A laser beam is a highly focused, narrow beam. The laser machine is also controlled by an efficient control system that monitors and controls the transmission and position of the laser beam on the metal surface. It contacts metal surfaces in selected areas, saving energy and time.
6 – Contactless Process
Laser cleaning machine is a non-contact cleaning process. The machine works almost automatically and requires little monitoring. The entire process can be fully automated, saving labor costs.
7 – Precise cleaning
One of the biggest advantages of laser cleaning machines is their precision. It can be used in a variety of industrial applications that require high precision and finesse.

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