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The Difference Between Handheld Laser Welding Machine And Automatic Laser Welding Machine.

Laser welding, also known as laser welding machine, is a kind of laser material processing equipment. Laser welding uses high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small range. The energy radiated by the laser is transmitted to the material through heat, which makes the material melt and form a specific molten pool.

Laser welding is a new type of welding method, which is mainly used for welding thin-walled materials and precision parts. It can realize spot welding, butt welding and sealing welding. The fold is higher than the width, the width of deep weld is very small, the heat affected zone is small, the deformation is small, the welding speed is fast, the weld is smooth and beautiful, no treatment or simple processing is required after welding, the weld quality is high, there are no pores, it can be accurately controlled, focused on the site, the positioning is accurate, and it is easy to realize automation.

The difference between handheld laser welding machine and automatic laser welding machine.

When purchasing laser welding, consumers will customize to the laser manufacturer according to their product requirements. Of course, there are some standard production models. A small number of processes can be selected for this process (handheld laser welding machine), and manual laser spot welding machine or automatic laser spot welding machine can be selected to meet the product welding requirements.

Hand held laser welding machine, as the name suggests, is a kind of manual welding equipment. It can perform laser welding of large-size workpieces for a long distance. The welding heat affected zone is small and will not cause problems, such as deformation, black, marking, and deep welding. The welding company has no cave after the soluble fluff bump is combined with the matrix.

The deployment of automatic installation equipment for hand-held laser welding machine. Compared with sporadic processing or large welding production workshops, a hand-held laser welding edge does not need to install and debug the automatic laser welding platform and occupy space environment. Importantly, there are many different types of welding products in small workshops and their shapes are not strong enough. Therefore, hand-held laser welding can meet such production needs and has better compliance.

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Automatic laser welding machine is a kind of automatic welding equipment. It uses high-energy laser pulse to heat the material locally in a small range. The energy radiated by the laser is transmitted to the interior of the material through heat, so that the material melts and forms a specific molten pool. Using thin-wall materials, welding precision parts can realize spot welding, butt welding, surfacing, sealing and other welding. The welding width is small, the welding speed is fast, the welding quality is good, there is no air hole, it can be accurately controlled, the positioning accuracy is high, and it is easy to realize automation.

The automatic laser welding machine automatically performs welding according to the set procedure after the software is set; Manual laser welding machine, also known as spot welding, is a visual spot welding that is manually magnified to the screen.


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