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Riselaser, an emerging brand that is rapidly rising in the market

Laser welding equipment can effectively solve the problem of hot cracks in aluminum alloys and improve the quality of aluminum alloy welding. It is well used in the field of automobile body aluminum alloy processing.

Laser welding is an important material processing technology. It is an efficient and precise welding method that uses high-energy-density laser beams as heat sources. Laser welding equipment is a high-precision welding equipment composed of laser, control system, motion system, light guide system, workpiece clamping, quality monitoring system, optical component cooling system, etc. It can be used for magnesium, aluminum, copper, steel, Welding of carbon steel, stainless steel, alloy steel, titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, ceramics, organic glass and other materials.

Laser welding equipment has the characteristics of small heat-affected zone, green and environmental protection, high production efficiency, high welding accuracy, no need for vacuum protection, high degree of automation, stable welding process, highly concentrated energy density, no interference from electric fields/magnetic fields, and high welding heating/cooling speeds. It has the advantages of being extremely fast, not exerting external force on the weldment, and having good surface/intrinsic quality of the weld. According to the different welding materials, it can be divided into laser welding equipment for thin metal materials, laser composite heat source welding equipment, precision laser welding equipment for transparent materials, and high-reflection/ Low-absorption material laser welding equipment and other types are widely used in many fields such as communications, semiconductors, automobile manufacturing, national defense industry, consumer electronics, aerospace, shipbuilding, and pressure vessel manufacturing.

According to the “2023-2027 Laser Welding Equipment Industry In-depth Market Research and Investment Strategy Suggestions Report” released by the New Thinking Industry Research Center, my country’s laser welding equipment industry has broad development prospects in recent years. On the one hand, laser welding equipment can effectively solve the problem of hot cracks in aluminum alloys and improve the quality of aluminum alloy welding. It is well used in the field of automobile body aluminum alloy processing. As my country’s automobile production and sales gradually increase, the demand for laser welding equipment in the field of automobile processing is gradually increasing.

On the other hand, consumer electronics is one of the main application fields of laser welding equipment. With its mature manufacturing capabilities and vast consumer market, my country has become a major consumer electronics production country. The scale of the consumer electronics market continues to expand, further driving the market demand for laser welding equipment. Volume rises.

On the other hand, my country’s continuous breakthroughs in intelligent control, information sensing, weld tracking and other technologies have promoted the development of efficient, automated and intelligent domestic laser welding equipment. The application scope of laser welding equipment has gradually expanded, and the industry has developed rapidly. Against this background, the scale of my country’s laser welding equipment market continues to expand. my country’s laser welding equipment market size was 8.93 billion yuan in 2018 and 17.65 billion yuan in 2022. The market size increased by 8.72 billion yuan in five years, with a compound annual growth rate of 18.6%. It is expected that by 2025, my country’s laser welding equipment market size will exceed 30 billion yuan for the first time.

New Thinking Industry analysts said that at present, my country’s laser welding equipment market concentration is not high, and most companies have weak R&D and innovation capabilities. In the future, as the market’s requirements for laser welding equipment gradually increase, some companies in the industry with backward production capacity and low-end products will gradually withdraw from the market, and the laser welding equipment market concentration is expected to increase. Riselaser, Haimuxing, Lianying Laser, Han’s Laser, TRUMPF, Huagong Technology, Yifei Laser, etc. are the main manufacturers of laser welding equipment in my country. Among them, Han’s Laser is the world’s leading company in laser welding equipment, ranking among the top three in the world in terms of output and sales of laser welding equipment.

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