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How to Extend the Lifespan of a Laser Cutting Machine?

To extend the lifespan of a laser cutting machine, maintenance is a crucial factor, just as with any mechanical product. Neglecting maintenance can result in reduced durability, much like how cars require regular servicing. Laser equipment, including laser cutting machines, follows the same principle.

A laser cutting machine typically consists of five main components: the light source system, dust removal system, drive system, cooling system, and electrical system. The key components that require regular maintenance are the cooling system (to ensure temperature stability), dust removal system (to ensure effective dust removal), optical path system (to maintain beam quality), and drive system (to ensure smooth operation). Additionally, maintaining an appropriate working environment and adhering to correct operating practices contribute to prolonging the machine’s lifespan.

  1. Maintenance of the optical path system: Over time, dust and debris can accumulate on the lens surfaces, affecting their reflectivity and the lens’s light transmission, which can significantly reduce laser power output. Cleaning the lenses is necessary, but it must be done with care, as the lenses are delicate and should not be touched with sharp or hard objects. Here are the steps and precautions for cleaning the lenses:
    • Use a lint-free cotton swab dipped in ethanol.
    • Gently wipe the lenses from the center to the edges, ensuring not to damage the surface coatings.
    • Handle the lenses with care to avoid dropping or damaging them.
    • When installing the focusing lens, ensure that the concave side faces downward. Also, minimize the use of high-speed piercing to extend the focusing lens’s lifespan.
  2. Maintenance of the dust removal system: The dust removal fan can accumulate a significant amount of dust over time. Neglecting to clean it regularly can result in reduced airflow, poor smoke extraction, increased noise, and decreased odor removal effectiveness. During the cleaning process, safety precautions are essential. Here’s how to clean the dust removal system:
    • First, turn off the power.
    • Remove the intake and exhaust pipes.
    • Thoroughly clean the accumulated dust inside the fan.
    • Reinstall the fan. Clean the dust removal system monthly for optimal performance.
  3. Maintenance of the drive system: During prolonged machine operation, smoke and fine dust particles can enter the equipment and adhere to the guide rails and racks. This buildup can accelerate the wear of these precision components, affecting processing accuracy. Regular maintenance of guide rails and racks is crucial to maintain accuracy. After dust removal, apply grease to the racks and lubricating oil to the guide rails. Bearings should also be lubricated regularly to ensure smooth operation and accuracy, thereby extending the machine’s lifespan.
  4. Maintenance of the cooling system: Regularly replace the water in the chiller’s reservoir, typically once a week, and use distilled or purified water as recommended by the manufacturer. Maintain the water temperature below 35°C for optimal performance. Failure to replace the water or using impure water can lead to scale buildup and pipe blockages, potentially damaging the laser tube and shortening its lifespan. Ensure the cooling water remains unobstructed to prevent overheating, which can lead to tube rupture or damage to the laser power supply.
  5. Environmental requirements: The machine should be placed in a dry, well-ventilated workspace with a temperature range of 4-33°C. Take precautions to prevent condensation in summer and freezing in winter. Keep the machine away from sources of electromagnetic interference and areas with high electrical loads, as these can disrupt equipment operation. Avoid placing the machine near welding equipment or high-power mixers, as these may cause interference. Strong ground vibrations can also affect laser engraving accuracy, so avoid areas prone to significant vibrations.
  6. Additional considerations: The production workshop where the equipment is placed must be kept dry and well-ventilated. The indoor temperature should be between 4 and 33 degrees. Equipment condensation prevention must be done in summer and antifreeze measures must be taken in winter. The equipment should be placed away from places with electromagnetic interference, away from places with large amounts of electricity and strong earthquakes. Interference from large amounts of electricity will cause the equipment to malfunction from time to time. Although it is not inevitable, precautions must be taken, so the equipment should not be placed in places with large electric welding machine, giant electric mixer and other equipment. Not to mention strong vibrations. Ground vibrations will obviously cause deviations in the accuracy of laser engraving.
  7. Some other matters needing attention: During the operation of the equipment, operators should always observe the operation of the equipment. If any abnormality occurs, they should immediately stop the operation of the equipment, cut off the power supply, and report to professionals in time to inspect the equipment. They are not allowed to disassemble and repair the equipment without permission. They should also frequently Make regular statistics on the usage of the equipment. If there is any performance deviation, it should be replaced in time to prevent it from happening before it happens. If you don’t know whether the material can be processed, do not process it to avoid potential danger and damage to the laser equipment.
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