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Laser Marking Industry Development Trend Forecast

Development trend of laser marking technology

1. Automation and intelligence

In the era of digital economy, the development of digital technology has greatly improved the efficiency of production and innovation. With the effective integration of laser technology and numerical control technology, laser equipment will have the ability to analyze, judge, reason and make decisions on the process, so as to realize the automation and intelligence of all parts of manufacturing equipment. At the same time, the rising labor cost and the iterative upgrading of industrial technology in the laser industry also promote the development of laser marking equipment in the direction of higher automation and intelligence. It can be predicted that with the rapid promotion of intelligent manufacturing strategy, the digitization and intellectualization of laser marking field will become the inevitable trend of development. Highly intelligent multi-functional laser marking equipment will continue to emerge, greatly improve the efficiency of industrial processing and realize efficient production management.

2. High power, high efficiency and high precision

With the development of the laser industry and the changing demand of downstream industries, medium and high-power laser equipment has become the focus of market attention. With the upgrading of laser equipment, high-power and high-speed laser marking equipment will further replace traditional processing equipment with its significant advantages of efficiency and precision, and greatly improve the efficiency and quality of industrial processing.

3. Flexibility and integration

In the era of intelligent manufacturing, the processing scenes of downstream users tend to be diversified and complex, and the personalized demand for laser marking equipment is increasing day by day. The product application of laser enterprises needs to be more flexible, suitable for different processing scenes and meet the diversified needs of customers. Therefore, adopting modular design, improving equipment integration, adaptability and functionality, and realizing flexible production oriented by consumer demand will become an important development direction of laser marking equipment industry in the future.

The product types of laser marking machines will be further enriched

In terms of the types of laser marking lasers, the main products in the current laser marking machine market are CO2 laser marking machine, semiconductor laser marking machine, optical fiber laser marking machine, UV laser marking machine and other products. In terms of the form of laser marking products, the main products in the current laser marking machine market are desktop laser marking machine, portable laser marking machine, flying laser marking machine, etc. In the future, with the continuous progress and breakthroughs in technology and product research and development of enterprises in the global laser marking machine industry chain, there will be more and more abundant laser marking machine products in the laser marking market, such as ultrafast laser marking machine, green laser marking machine and 3D laser marking machine, so as to provide more extensive product choices for downstream terminal application customers.

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