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Laser Detection Of Fruit Maturity

Recently, Japanese researchers have developed a new detection technology that uses high-tech detection methods of laser and plasma shock waves to determine the ripeness of fruits. Especially for soft foods like mangoes, this detection method is very effective.

The maturity of a fruit is determined by its softness and hardness. In the past, there were also methods to detect fruits, which were mainly contact-type. The process of this contact inevitably affects the fruit.


The research project is led by the research team of Shibaura Institute of Technology (SIT) in Japan. The working principle is that a high-intensity laser is used to create a plasma bubble on the surface of the mango. The bubble generates a shock wave and then vibrates on the fruit. Then, a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) instrument is used to measure the generated vibration, thereby judging the softness and hardness of the fruit, and then knowing the ripeness of the fruit.

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