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Does Laser Cleaning Use Continuous Or Pulsed Laser?

For emerging laser cleaning applications, there are different sounds about whether continuous lasers or pulsed lasers should be used. Two types of laser cleaning equipment using pulsed and continuous lasers have also appeared on the market. Many industrial end users do not know how to choose when choosing. Riselaser conducted a comparative test on the laser cleaning application of continuous and pulsed lasers.

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Both continuous lasers and pulsed lasers can remove paint on the surface of the material to achieve a cleaning effect. Under the same power conditions, the cleaning efficiency of pulsed lasers is much higher than that of continuous lasers. At the same time, pulsed lasers can better control the heat input and prevent the substrate temperature from being too high or causing micro-melting.


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CW lasers have advantages in price, and high-power lasers can be used to make up for the efficiency gap with pulsed lasers. However, high-power CW lasers have greater heat input and damage to the substrate will increase. Therefore, there is a fundamental difference between the two in application scenarios. High precision requires strict control of the heating of the substrate, and application scenarios that require non-destructive substrates, such as molds, are recommended to choose pulse lasers. For some large steel structures, pipelines, etc., due to their large size and fast heat dissipation and low requirements for substrate damage, continuous lasers can be selected.



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