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Laser Cleaning Machine Applications

Laser cleaning machine is a high-tech cleaning technology that utilizes laser beams to assist in removing various forms of dirt and impurities from surfaces, much like the cleaning tools commonly used in our daily lives but with greater efficiency and precision.


Laser cleaning machine principle is similar to “wiping” the surface of an object with a powerful beam of light. This beam of light can be focused into a very small area while generating high energy. When the laser beam irradiates the surface of an object, it rapidly absorbs and converts into thermal energy, thereby heating up substances such as dirt, oil stains, coatings, or oxides to high temperatures, causing them to evaporate or decompose. This process occurs very quickly, usually in just a few milliseconds, and due to the precise control of the laser beam, it causes minimal to no damage to the surface of the object.


Laser cleaning machine in the automotive industry can be used to clean the surface of vehicles, removing dust, mud, and oil stains without damaging the car’s paint surface. In the car manufacturing process, laser cleaning technology can be employed to remove paint and primer from the surface of steel plates, ensuring that the steel plate surface remains clean and suitable for further painting processes. This method utilizes fiber optic transmission and continuous scanning of the laser beam, achieving a high level of automation and precision, ensuring that each steel plate has the ideal surface quality.

For car maintenance, laser cleaning also plays a powerful role. It can easily remove dust, mud, and stubborn oil stains from the surface of cars without causing any harm to the paintwork, even on chrome-plated surfaces.

laser cleaning machine sample

With the continuous advancement of laser technology and increased power, today’s laser cleaning can effectively address a variety of issues on the surface of automobiles, providing the automotive industry with a more efficient, precise, and environmentally friendly cleaning option.

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