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IPG Lasers: Condensing Maximum Value With Minimum Volume

IPG Lasers YLS-U series lasers are specially developed for demanding cutting applications. Its compact, lightweight shape design is easy to integrate into the cutting machine. The laser is equipped with a dehumidifier and packaged in an airtight cabinet, so that the laser can work in the worst production environment.

The new generation YLS-U integrates the latest technologies of IPG in diode module, optical fiber box, digital power supply and CNC electronic unit, so as to provide reliable and flexible production solutions. This new control system allows integrated control of the laser and process subsystems.

1. Smaller size

The latest YLS-U series design is more compact, lighter and smaller. The floor area of 3 kW, 6 kW and 10 kW lasers is 0.35 square meters, which saves a lot of floor space for application scenarios with special volume requirements such as processing stations.

2. Higher performance

The electro-optical conversion efficiency of the latest YLS-U series lasers has been increased from 40% to 45%, helping you save more energy costs.

3. More stable power

It is by no means easy to exert great power in such a small appearance. The latest YLS-U series adopts a new generation of IPG pump source, which greatly enhances the power integration and the corresponding stability and service life.

4. Durable

After a series of performance optimization, the environmental tightness and redundancy are improved, so that YLS-U series lasers can adapt to the most severe industrial environment.


YLS-U series laser adopts sealed cabinet design and can provide 1-10 kW output power, which integrates all the features and technical progress of yls-cut series. In addition, yls-u series laser also has the option of peak power (HPP), which can realize faster and cleaner perforation, higher quality fine feature cutting and denser part nesting. It is an ideal laser for emerging markets.

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