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How To Properly Maintain The Fiber Laser Source?

Recently, the temperature has gradually increased and the scorching summer is approaching. To prevent unstable phenomena such as high-temperature alarm, light interruption, missed operation, and weak light when the laser is used in a high-temperature environment (such as prolonged high-temperature operation reducing the lifespan of the internal pump source), and to avoid premature weakening of the laser power and ensure that the laser can work normally, we kindly remind customers to take the following ventilation and cooling measures in advance.

1. When installing the fiber laser source, do not place the laser inlet or outlet too close to the casing. Leave enough space to ensure air circulation.

2. A cooling fan needs to be installed inside the chassis to achieve convection of air inside the chassis. If the indoor ambient temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it is recommended to install an air conditioner to avoid the fiber laser source working at high temperatures.

3. Regularly maintain the fiber laser source, blow the laser inlet and outlet with an air gun every month, and regularly clean the dust screen on the cabinet to prevent the laser outlet from being blocked by dust and affecting heat dissipation.

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Medium power water cooling series maintenance measures

1. Regularly change the water and filter element (3 months per cycle, using distilled water).

2. The optimal temperature setting for the chiller is around 26 degrees (if the temperature is set too high, the cooling force is insufficient, and the laser will frequently prompt an alarm. If the temperature is set too low, the internal components of the fiber laser source will be damaged due to condensation).

3. It is recommended to install the cabinet in an air-conditioned room, with the room temperature set at 26 ℃ and the humidity maintained below 50% to ensure a constant temperature of the electrical appliances inside the cabinet.

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