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How Thick Steel Plates Can 500w Laser Cutting Machine Cut?

At present, in the market, laser cutting machine are increasingly recognized by customers for their fast speed and high accuracy in the processing of thin plates. For different processing materials, the efficiency of laser cutting machine has certain data errors. Today, we will analyze the processing capabilities of 500w fiber laser cutting machine for two common metal materials, stainless steel and carbon steel.


The theoretical processing thickness of 500W fiber laser cutting machine on the market for stainless steel and carbon steel materials is generally around 3mm and 6mm. In the actual production process, when the machine is running at high speed, there will be some consumption during the energy conversion process, and the laser cutting machine cannot achieve the actual theoretical processing thickness and speed.


There are several factors that affect the thickness and speed of fiber laser cutting machine processing.

1.The different processing materials are stainless steel, which is very hard. When it can be cut to a thickness of 3mm, the surface is already very rough and the speed is already very slow.

2.Many domestic manufacturers of laser cutting machine use the slogan of “500w imported parts” to deceive customers by matching them with 300w domestic parts, resulting in customers not achieving ideal results in the later use of the machine.

3.For the later maintenance of equipment, machines require certain maintenance, just like people also need to rest. A good working environment is conducive to the stable operation and service life of the equipment.


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