< img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1029820091747592&ev=PageView&noscript=1" /> Why Riselaser Laser Marking Machine Meet So Many Customers' Approval? - Laserscheme


Why Riselaser Laser Marking Machine Meet So Many Customers’ Approval?

The power of Riselaser’s laser marking machine is very large. In the general market, the 20w/30w/50w laser marking machine is used. What’s the difference between them? Can those materials be marked? Riselaser’s laser marking machine is very popular in the market. Compared with traditional mechanical carving, chemical corrosion, screen printing and ink printing, it has the advantages of low cost, high flexibility and can be controlled by computer system.

In addition, the laser marking machine has a wide range of applications, such as: electronic and communication products, aerospace devices, various auto parts, household appliances, integrated circuit chips, computer accessories, industrial bearings, food packaging, jewelry, tobacco, hardware tools, molds, wires and cables, clocks and watches, etc, It can also realize automatic production line in large quantities.

Riselaser’s laser marking machine can also realize alumina blackening, which is more exquisite and beautiful than printing pattern. In that year, ordinary optical fiber could not do this, which required the use of MOAP laser marking machine in the series of laser marking machines. Different from the ordinary laser marking machine, the pulse width of the device can be adjusted, but the ordinary laser marking machine can not.

It can also make color effect on stainless steel, as long as the correct parameters are adjusted, the general laser marking machine can also do it. Now many stainless steel spoon and stainless steel chopsticks are marked by laser marking machine, and there is no need to change the mold, because it is a computer-controlled mode, and can be directly marked on the computer drawing.

It can realize online flight marking, and many people may not know about online marking. In fact, Riselaser laser marking machine is combined with assembly line, marking while feeding, which can greatly improve work efficiency and reduce labor cost. This is a fast way.



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