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What Is A Laser Cutting Machine

Laser cutting is the laser beam emitted from the laser, which is focused on a high-power density through the optical circuit system. The laser beam shines on the surface of the workpiece so that the workpiece reaches the melting point or boiling point, while the high-pressure gas with the beam coaxial will blow away the molten or gasified metal.

With the movement of the relative position of the beam and the workpiece, the material is eventually formed to cut the seam, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting. Laser cutting is the use of invisible beams instead of traditional mechanical knives, with high precision, fast cutting, not limited to cutting pattern restrictions, automatic typesetting saving materials, incision smoothing, low processing costs and other characteristics, will gradually improve or replace the traditional metal cutting process equipment. The mechanical part of the laser head is not in contact with the work, in the work will not cause scratches on the working surface; laser cutting speed is fast, the incision is smooth and flat, generally do not need to follow up processing, cutting heat impact zone is small, plate deformation is small, cutting seam is narrow (0.1mm~0.3mm);Good repeatability, do not damage the surface of the material, CNC programming, can process any floor plan, can be a large size of the whole plate cutting, no need to open the mold, economical time. Laser equipment as a new tool more and more mature application to a variety of industries, including laser cutting machine, laser engraving machine, laser marking machine, laser welding machine and so on.

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