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What Do The Solid Laser Parameters Mean?

In the past, solid laser were high-tech products and advanced technology in the field of industrial manufacturing. With the continuous development of R&D technology, the application of solid-state lasers has been gradually popularized into life. For example: LOGO mark of mobile phone parts processing shell, text pattern of charger, etc.

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Do you know all the parameters of solid laser?

1. Center wavelength: refers to the output wavelength of the laser, which is an important parameter of the laser beam output. Different wavelengths represent different light sources.

2. Peak power: This is a special term for pulse lasers and an important performance index of pulse lasers. It represents the highest power that a single pulse can achieve. The unit is watt (W).

3. Pulse width: referred to as pulse width, it refers to the duration of a single Pulse. Therefore, it is a time measurement unit, including millisecond (ms), microsecond (us), nanosecond (ns), picosecond (ps), femtosecond (fs) and other scales. The smaller the magnitude, the shorter the duration of laser action.

4. Pulse energy: refers to the laser energy carried by a single pulse. Is the product of peak power and pulse width. The unit is Joule (J). For example, when the peak power is 10 kW and the pulse width is 100 nanoseconds, the pulse energy E=10kW * 100ns=1mJ.

5. Pulse repetition rate: equal to the number of times the pulse repeats in one second. The unit is Hz.

6. Average power: refers to the laser energy output per unit time in a repetition period. It is the product of pulse energy and pulse repetition frequency. The unit is watt (W).

7. Peak power density: refers to the laser power per unit area, which is jointly determined by the laser power and the area where the laser works. The unit is watt per square centimeter (W/CM2).

8. Beam quality: the definition of beam quality includes: far field spot radius, far field divergence angle, diffraction limit multiple U, Strehl ratio, M2 factor, power on target surface or ring energy ratio, etc.

9. Divergence angle: The beam divergence angle is used to measure the speed of the beam diverging outward from the beam waist. The application of free space optical communication requires very low beam divergence angle. The beam with very small divergence angle, such as the beam radius approaching a constant in a long transmission distance, is called collimated beam.

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