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What Are The Robot Laser Welding Machine Weld Benefits?

Robot laser welding is an industrial robot engaged in welding (including cutting and spraying). In recent years, with the development of electronic technology, computer technology, numerical control and robot technology, the technology of automatic welding robot has become increasingly mature since it was used in production in the 1960s. What are some advantages of using robot welding?

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Robot laser welding can improve production efficiency

Six axis welding robot has short response time and fast action. The welding speed is 50-160cm/min, which is much higher than that of manual welding (40-60cm/min). The robot will not stop during operation. As long as the external water and electricity conditions are guaranteed, the project can continue. High quality six axis robot has stable performance and reasonable use. Under the premise of maintenance, there is no fault within 10 years. This actually improves the production efficiency of the enterprise.

Robot laser welding can improve product quality

In the process of robot welding, as long as the welding parameters and motion trajectory are given, the robot will accurately repeat this action. Welding current and other welding parameters. Voltage welding speed and welding elongation play a decisive role in welding effect. In the process of robot welding, the welding parameters of each weld are constant, and the welding quality is less affected by human factors, which reduces the requirements for workers’ operation technology. The welding quality is stable, and the product quality is guaranteed.

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Robot laser welding can shorten the product transformation cycle and corresponding equipment investment

Robot laser welding can shorten the product transformation cycle and reduce the corresponding equipment investment. It can realize welding automation of small batch products. The biggest difference between robots and special machines is that they can adapt to the production of different workpieces.


In the process of product update, the robot ontology can redesign the corresponding fixture according to the new product, and update the product and equipment without changing and calling the corresponding program command.

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