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What Are The Applications Of Laser Cladding Technology?

Laser cladding technology uses high-energy laser beam irradiation to quickly melt, expand and solidify to cladding a layer of material with special physical, chemical or mechanical properties on the surface of the substrate to form a new material different from the substrate. To make up for the lack of high performance of the matrix.

Laser cladding technology has the following significant advantages and characteristics: 1. Laser cladding can produce a smaller heat-affected zone on the substrate, and the deformation of the workpiece is smaller. 2. Metallurgical bonding can be achieved between the cladding layer and the base material, and the dilution rate of the cladding material is low. 3. The cladding layer has small grains and compact structure, which can obtain high hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance. 4. It can achieve selective partial fine repair, and limited repair costs can be reduced. 5. The powder material system has relatively high adaptability, and most conventional and special metal powder materials can be cladding on the surface of metal parts.

laser melting and coating

1. Aerospace

There is a huge market for the remanufacturing of aero-engine blades. There are many types of blade materials and high technical content. The repaired blades need a lot of work in terms of repair materials, flaw detection technology, and life evaluation. Moreover, in the domestic civil aviation industry, some key parts and components still depend on foreign imports, so the later maintenance of the aircraft needs to spend huge amounts of money to purchase new parts and components from abroad.

2. The field of petroleum exploration

In the petrochemical industry, due to the long-term harsh working environment of the equipment, it is easier to cause severe corrosion and severe wear of parts, which will lead to the complete scrapping of large and expensive parts, such as drill collars, non-magnetic drill collars, centralizers and vibrations. Large parts such as strikers.

3. The field of coal mining

In the coal industry, due to the harsh working environment, the performance requirements of coal mining machinery parts are relatively high. The main failure modes of hydraulic columns are scratches and peeling of the coating. The coating adopts a highly polluting electroplating process, and electroplating is one of the traditional processes to be banned in our country. Therefore, the use of laser cladding technology to strengthen the hydraulic column has a large market, and it is also an environment-friendly and recyclable high-tech supported by the state, which can replace the traditional electroplating process.

4. Power industry

The rotor journals of steam turbines in power plants have abrasion problems under high-speed operation conditions. In addition, the final and last-stage blades of steam turbines often suffer from cavitation under long-term high-temperature environmental working conditions. The steam turbine is a large-scale equipment and is not easy to transport, so a laser in-situ repair technology with high reliability is required.

In addition, laser cladding can also be applied to other industries such as steel metallurgy, automobiles, engineering machinery, mold manufacturing and ships, and has a very wide range of application prospects. With the continuous advancement of the “Made in China 2025” development plan, laser cladding technology will surely be accepted by the majority of industrial users and will produce huge economic benefits.

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