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UV Laser Development And Laser Protection Safety

Ultraviolet lasers are obtained by triple frequency or frequency doubling of infrared light. In recent years, ultraviolet lasers have developed rapidly, with an annual growth rate of more than 15%. At present, the main ultraviolet laser wavelengths are 266nm and 355nm, and now the domestic industrial field of 355nm laser has developed very mature in nanosecond ultraviolet lasers, and the power can reach more than 10 watts.


Ultraviolet laser has many advantages, such as short wavelength, high photon energy concentration, easy to be absorbed by materials, narrow pulse width, high resolution, fast speed of light, and especially has the property of “cold processing” (no heating of the processed parts). Therefore, it is widely used in the processing of flexible materials and laser medical treatment.


But at the same time, it is precisely because of the short wavelength and high photon energy of ultraviolet light that ultraviolet light also has certain hazards. The main hazards are chronic damage to the cornea and skin:

1. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light or exposure to high-energy ultraviolet light for a period of time, the more common spectacle symptom is electro-optic ophthalmia, which mainly manifests as redness and swelling of the eyes, tearing, dryness and photophobia. The principle behind it is The corneal epithelial cells and conjunctiva of the eye absorb a large amount of strong ultraviolet rays, which leads to diffuse punctate convexity of the corneal epithelium of the glasses, which can cause myopia, cataracts and glaucoma for a long time;

2. Damage to the skin is also very common in life, such as skin pigmentation (skin darkening), thickening and rough skin, and photoaging of the skin due to prolonged exposure to severe ultraviolet light. In severe cases, it may even cause lesions, Skin ai etc.


Therefore, the safety protection of ultraviolet laser is more important. Because ultraviolet laser has the characteristics of both laser and ultraviolet light, the energy is higher and more concentrated than ordinary ultraviolet light, and the radiation damage to skin and eyes is also greater. Therefore, in the working environment of strong ultraviolet light and ultraviolet laser, professional ultraviolet laser protective glasses must be worn. The UV laser protection products provided by Chengdu Sidelight can achieve an optical density (OD) of more than 4 for 266nm and 355nm laser safety protection, and the laser attenuation is more than ten thousand times, which can ensure human eye safety in the extreme ultraviolet light environment. Ultraviolet lasers are obtained by triple frequency or frequency doubling of infrared light. In recent years, ultraviolet lasers have developed rapidly, with an annual growth rate of more than 15%. At present, the main ultraviolet laser wavelengths are 266nm and 355nm, and now the domestic industrial field of 355nm laser has developed very mature in nanosecond ultraviolet lasers, and the power can reach more than 10 watts.

Ultraviolet laser has many advantages, such as short wavelength, high photon energy concentration, easy to be absorbed by materials, narrow pulse width, high resolution, fast light speed, and especially has the property of “cold processing” (no heating of the processed parts). Therefore, it is widely used in the processing of flexible materials and laser medical treatment.

But at the same time, it is precisely because of the short wavelength and high photon energy of ultraviolet light that ultraviolet light also has certain hazards. The main hazards are chronic damage to the cornea and skin:

1. Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light or exposure to high-energy ultraviolet light for a period of time, the more common spectacle symptom is electro-optic ophthalmia, which mainly manifests as redness and swelling of the eyes, tearing, dryness and photophobia. The principle behind it is The corneal epithelial cells and conjunctiva of the eye absorb a large amount of strong ultraviolet rays, which leads to diffuse punctate convexity of the corneal epithelium of the glasses, which can cause myopia, cataracts and glaucoma for a long time;

2. Damage to the skin is also very common in life, such as skin pigmentation (skin darkening), thickening and rough skin, and photoaging of the skin due to prolonged exposure to severe ultraviolet light. In severe cases, it may even cause lesions, Skin ai etc.

Therefore, the safety protection of ultraviolet laser is more important. Because ultraviolet laser has the characteristics of both laser and ultraviolet light, the energy is higher and more concentrated than ordinary ultraviolet light, and the radiation damage to skin and eyes is also greater. Therefore, in the working environment of strong ultraviolet light and ultraviolet laser, professional ultraviolet laser protective glasses must be worn. The UV laser protection products provided by Chengdu Sidelight can achieve an optical density (OD) of more than 4 for 266nm and 355nm laser safety protection, and the laser attenuation is more than ten thousand times, which can ensure human eye safety in the extreme ultraviolet light environment.

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