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Three steps for fiber laser welding machine maintenance

Fiber laser welding is mainly used in precision welding of communication devices, medical care, electronics, batteries, metal parts, mobile phone vibration motors, watch precision parts, automobile steel sheets, etc. Under normal circumstances, the laser welding machine needs to be maintained once every 2-3 weeks of operation to ensure the normal operation of the laser welding machine. So how to maintain the fiber laser welding machine?

01 Use in abnormal environment

Generally, equipment can operate normally in normal environments, but once you encounter a special environment, you must pay attention to whether the equipment can operate normally in this environment and what matters need to be paid attention to. For example, in a high-temperature and humid environment, when the welding gun laser is in operation, special attention must be paid to the condition of the cooling water pipe, and condensation cannot appear on the pipe, because once there is a problem with the cooling water pipe, it will easily cause damage to the laser welding machine. , the power cannot be output normally, and in severe cases, the light-emitting function will be lost.

02 Check laser beam quality
The beam quality of fiber-delivered laser welding machines is important to the operation of the equipment. Operators generally use laser dimmer paper to regularly check the output spot of the laser. If the spot is uneven or the energy decreases, the resonant cavity of the laser needs to be adjusted and the spot fine-tuned to ensure the quality of the laser beam.

03 Normal inspection of optical components
The easily damaged and important components should be inspected after the equipment has been running for a period of time. Generally, after two weeks or one cycle of operation, components in the optical path such as YAG rods, dielectric diaphragms, and lens protective glass should be inspected before starting up to ensure that the optical There should be no dust or other contamination on the components. If there are any abnormalities, they should be dealt with in time to avoid damaging the optical components during startup.

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