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Metal Processing Drives The Development Of Laser Marking Machine

With the increase of metal processing population, the demand for metal products also increases, driving the rapid development of metal products industry. Today, we introduce a general laser marking machine, which can be used to mark all kinds of metal products. It is widely used in the metal products industry.

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This laser marking machine can be used for marking various materials, such as cloth, leather, plastic, rubber, acrylic and other non-metallic materials. It has a wide range of applications. It can be used for marking metal nests (houses), metal belts, metal pads, metal toys, etc. with accurate marking standards, smooth edges and high efficiency. It can be equipped with multiple laser heads, automatic loading and unloading system, etc, Save labor cost. In addition, the model can also be equipped with an automatic identification and positioning system, which can identify flower patterns or shapes, and automatically locate and mark according to products, with high accuracy and high intelligence.

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General purpose laser marking machine, also known as optical fiber laser marking machine, is widely used in all walks of life because of its wide range of applicable materials and marking of most non-metallic materials and mixed materials.

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