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Laser Welding Machine Influence Of Speed And Power On Welding Quality.

What is the influence of laser welding machine speed and power on welding quality?

details 2

When the laser welding machine is working, the main function is the laser power density value. Different materials have a critical power density threshold. In order to weld, the power must exceed this critical threshold, so that the material can be melted and the welding effect can be achieved.

When the laser power is fixed, the welding speed becomes the main factor affecting the welding strength, and the suitable laser welding speed is the guarantee of solid welding.

In the laser welding machine welding industry, some people think that the faster the laser welding machine is, the better. In fact, the speed of laser welding cannot be too fast or too slow.

It should be suitable. Too fast or too slow will affect the laser welding strength.

Laser power and welding speed affect the penetration depth and width, and then affect the welding strength. When the laser power is fixed, the welding speed becomes the main factor affecting the welding strength.

The high power of the laser welding machine burns out the alloy elements in the weld zone, which reduces the strength and mechanical properties of the weld. The high power also worsens the weld formation and increases the surface holes.Too high welding speed will reduce the strength of the weld, because the porosity in the weld increases and the effective bearing area decreases.

The welding speed and laser power together affect the welding depth. When the speed is constant, there is a critical area for the weld strength. When the power is lower than its lower limit value, the strength increases with the increase of power, because with the increase of power, the penetration depth increases, and the bonding strength also increases; When the power is greater than the upper limit of the critical region, the strength decreases with the increase of the power.


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