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Laser Welding Machine Industry Application Analysis

At present, laser welding machine equipment has penetrated our lives, and its application is becoming increasingly widespread, gradually replacing traditional welding methods. So, what industries are laser welding machines used in?

product description

Laser welding machines are widely used in the bathroom industry: welding of water pipe joints, variable diameter joints, tee joints, valves, and showers. Glasses industry: Precision welding of stainless steel, titanium alloy, and other materials for the buckle and outer frame of glasses. Hardware industry: welding of impellers, kettles, handles, and complex stamping and casting parts.

Laser welding machines are widely used in the automotive industry: engine cylinder gasket, hydraulic tappet seal welding, spark plug welding, filter welding, and so on. Medical industry: welding of medical devices, stainless steel seals for medical devices, and structural components. Electronics industry: Solid state relay sealing and welding, welding of connectors and connectors, welding of metal shells and structural components of electronic products. Welding of motor housing and wiring, optical fiber connector joints, etc. Welding of products in industries such as household hardware, kitchenware, bathroom, stainless steel door handles, electronic components, sensors, clocks, precision machinery, communications, handicrafts, and other industries with high strength, such as automotive hydraulic tappets.

laser welding samples

The advantages of laser welding machines are energy concentration, nonpollution, small solder joints, a wide range of weldable materials, high applicability, high welding efficiency, and high speed. The use of laser welding equipment for welding products that require welding seams is not only small in size but also does not require solder. Products with high automation: Laser welding equipment can be manually programmed for welding, and the path is automatic.


Laser welding machines can weld difficult-to-access parts, implementing non-contact long-distance welding, with great sensitivity. It can stop welding at room temperature or under special conditions, and the installation of laser welding equipment is simple. For example, when a laser passes through an electromagnetic field, the beam does not shift; Laser welding can be performed in vacuum, air, and certain gas environments, and can be stopped by passing through glass or materials transparent to the beam of light.


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