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Laser Cutting Steel To Build Dancing Stairs

The staircase made of laser cutting steel can also be graceful? Designer’s ingenious design, the original hard steel, after laser cutting machine processing, and then on-site positioning welding, presents a streamline shape, and become a common staircase in life distinct from the works of art.


Designers will make stairs into a free and dynamic element, bringing vitality to the whole space, rigid metal staggered connection, as if a dance condensation, full of aesthetic feeling.


Because of the flexibility of laser cutting machine, the shape of steel plate can be processed arbitrarily according to demand, which also provides more space for stair design.


Similarly, steel is widely used in industrial processing. As an efficient and high-quality processing tool, optical fiber laser cutting machine has been widely recognized in engineering machinery, automobile manufacturing, sheet metal processing and other industries, and has become the standard configuration of metal processing in these industries.

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