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How To Maintain The Laser Properly

In recent days, the temperature is gradually rising, and the hot summer is coming. In order to prevent unstable phenomena such as high-temperature alarm, light interruption, missing beat and weak light when the laser is used in the high-temperature environment (such as long-time high-temperature work will shorten the service life of the internal pump source), avoid the early weakening of the laser power and ensure that the laser can work normally, Chuangxin laser warmly reminds customers and friends to take the following ventilation and cooling measures in advance.

Maintenance measures for air cooling series (marking 10W ~ 50W)

1.When installing the laser, do not make the air inlet or outlet of the laser too close to the housing, but leave enough space to ensure air circulation.

2.A cooling fan shall be installed inside the cabinet to make the air inside the cabinet convective. If the indoor ambient temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it is recommended to install an air conditioner to avoid the laser working at high temperature.

3.Maintain the laser regularly, blow the air inlet and outlet of the laser with an air gun every month, and clean the dust net on the cabinet regularly to prevent the laser air outlet from being blocked by dust and affecting the heat dissipation.

Assembly space requirements of air cooling series (200W ~ 300W)

1.The system air duct is independent, otherwise it will form an air duct short circuit, as shown in the pink tip of Figure 1.


2.A and B spacing requirements

1) If the cabinet adds openings in the area directly corresponding to the air inlet and outlet of the product, the size is not required. As shown in Figure 1, the red air duct is shown.

2) If the air duct is shown in Figure 2, the dimensions a and B shall not be less than 50mm.

3) The air path of the system is too long, which leads to excessive air resistance of the system and affects the heat dissipation performance of the product.

4) Dust screen is added at the air inlet of the system, which affects the thermal performance of the product by 5 ~ 10 ℃.

5) It is recommended to clean the dust net every two weeks or one week according to the environmental conditions.


Maintenance measures of medium power water cooling series

1.Change the water and filter element regularly (3 months as a cycle, use distilled water).

2.The optimal temperature of the chiller is about 26 degrees (when the temperature is set too high, the cooling force is not enough, the laser will frequently give an alarm, and if the temperature is too low, the condensation inside the laser will cause damage to internal devices).

3.It is recommended that the cabinet be installed in the air-conditioning room. The room temperature of the air-conditioning room is set at 26 ℃ and the humidity is kept below 50%, so as to ensure the constant temperature of electrical appliances inside the cabinet.

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