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How to Achieve a Fish Scale Pattern Using a Handheld Laser Welding Machine?

Fish scale welding, this welding method, represents a specialized technique that combines advanced craftsmanship aesthetics and exceptional strength, making it highly coveted in the welding field. The name “fish scale welding” is derived from the fish scale-like pattern it creates on the welding surface. This unique appearance has captivated numerous individuals. The reason it is so appealing lies in its ability to not only enhance the visual appeal of welded pieces but also reflect the exquisite craftsmanship of the welder.

Handheld laser welding machines represent advanced technology that allows welders to create exquisite fish scale patterns during the welding process. Below are some methods and modes used to achieve this unique welding effect:

· Spot Welding Mode: In this mode, the laser spot is small yet powerful, making it suitable for materials that require deep penetration or cutting. Spot welding can produce extremely fine weld points, ensuring precision and accuracy in welding positions.

· Linear Welding Mode: This mode offers adjustable welding widths and is suitable for materials with certain melt-through properties. Linear welding can be used for various applications such as seam welding, wire feeding, and right-angle welding, providing flexibility in welding.

  • “0” Type Welding Mode: This mode allows for the adjustment of the welding point’s diameter, ensuring even energy density distribution and resulting in uniform welding effects.
  • Double “0” Type Welding Mode: Similar to the “0” type welding, but its primary purpose is to reduce the number of laser spots, making it suitable for precise control of welding in various angles and positions.
  • Triangular Welding Mode: The width in this mode is also adjustable, and it can effectively heat the central and lateral areas of the welding plate simultaneously while reducing the use of laser spots.
  • Fish Scale Pattern Welding Mode: This is a traditional welding machine mode that builds upon the triangular light pattern by continuously increasing the number of laser spots to further heat the welding plate. This mode is suitable for cases requiring a larger welding area to create a perfect fish scale pattern.

To achieve a perfect fish scale pattern, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the key factors affecting laser welding. We often see yellow or blue welds of different colors on some welding workpieces, which are very unsightly. This is an oxidation phenomenon caused by insufficient protection of the weld. These factors not only influence the aesthetics of fish scale welding but also impact the quality and performance of the weld. Factors Affecting Laser Welding for Fish Scale Patterns:

  1. Argon Gas Flow Rate: To reliably protect the welding area from air pollution, an adequate supply of shielding gas is essential. When the flow rate is appropriate, the molten pool remains stable, the surface is bright and free from slag, and there are no signs of oxidation. Generally, the suitable flow rate for argon gas is 0.8 to 1.2 times the nozzle diameter, as per the empirical formula Q = (0.8~1.2)D.
  2. Nozzle Diameter: The size of the nozzle diameter directly affects the range of the protective zone. Typically, nozzle diameter selection should be based on the tungsten electrode’s diameter. A common empirical rule is to set the nozzle diameter as 2.5 to 3.5 times the tungsten electrode diameter, as per the formula D = (2.5~3.5)d.
  3. Distance from Nozzle to Workpiece: This refers to the distance between the nozzle cross-section and the workpiece surface. A too-large distance can diminish the effectiveness of gas protection, while a too-small distance limits the observable range and protective area. Generally, the distance between the nozzle and the workpiece should be maintained within the range of 5 to 14 millimeters.

In summary, laser welding for fish scale patterns is not just a welding technique. Besides mastering the relevant skills, consistent practice is also crucial. Handheld laser welding machines make it possible to effortlessly create fish scale patterns, even without extensive machining experience. This has alleviated labor pressures, improved production efficiency, and reduced labor costs to some extent.Moreover, the application scope of this technology is incredibly wide, spanning across aerospace, automotive manufacturing, decorative craftsmanship, and various other fields. It adds a unique aesthetic appeal to welded workpieces. Through continuous effort and innovation, laser welding for fish scale patterns will continue to bring us more surprises and possibilities.

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