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Characteristics Of Laser Marking Machine

The accepted principles are two types:

“Thermal processing” has a high energy density of the laser beam (it is a concentrated energy flow), irradiated on the surface of the processed material, the surface of the material absorbs laser energy, in the irradiation area to produce a thermal excitation process, so that the surface (or coating) temperature of the material rise, resulting in abnormal, melting, ablation, evaporation and other phenomena.

Laser Marking Machine

Laser Marking Machine “Cold processing” (UV) photons with high load energy can interrupt chemical bonds in materials (especially organic materials) or surrounding media to cause non-thermal process damage to the material. This cold processing has special significance in laser marking processing, because it is not thermal ablation, but does not produce  “Thermal damage ” Side effects, interrupting the cold stripping of chemical bonds, so that the inner layer of the machined surface and the surrounding area do not produce heating or thermal deformation and other effects.

For example, excimer lasers are used in the electronics industry to deposit chemical films on substrate materials and to prescribe narrow grooves on semiconductor substrates.

Comparison of different marking methods Compared with inkjet marking method, laser marking groove) is superior to: a wide range of applications, a variety of substances (metal, glass, ceramics, plastics, leather, etc.) can be hit with permanent high-quality marking. No force on the surface of the workpiece, no mechanical deformation, no corrosion to the surface of the material.

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