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Can Green Wavelength Lasers Revolutionize Automotive Manufacturing?

The automotive industry is one of the major application areas for laser materials processing. With the increasing demand for lightweight requirements and the rising need for power batteries in new energy vehicles, the automotive industry and its suppliers are actively seeking robust and efficient cutting and welding processes. Recently, a collaborative research team from Germany announced an important breakthrough, providing the most comprehensive insights into laser welding processes to date. The team clearly demonstrated for the first time the advantages of using green wavelength lasers in welding high-performance electronic products, which can lead to material savings. They found that the waste rate is significantly lower when using green wavelength lasers compared to other laser welding processes, enabling significant material savings for automotive manufacturers and promoting more sustainable manufacturing practices.

For a long time, lasers have played a crucial role in optimizing automotive manufacturing. Almost every area, both inside and outside the car, contains components that have undergone laser processing. Laser machining offers excellent versatility and repeatability, as a single laser device can process various automotive parts with high precision and speed. Laser equipment is characterized by high automation, low cost, and low maintenance, making it applicable in the automotive production line for cutting, welding, brazing, marking, surface treatment, drilling, 3D printing, and cladding processes. Laser technology can be used to process complex 2D and 3D automotive components made of materials such as metal, plastic, glass, rubber, and textiles.

Green lasers have a shorter wavelength, which enhances the focusing ability of the laser beam, resulting in a more refined welding process. High-precision welding reduces the amount of material required during the welding process. Compared to traditional welding methods, green laser welding can achieve smaller weld seams and weld spots, thus saving on material consumption. The heat generated during welding with green lasers is relatively low, reducing thermal deformation and oxidation of the surrounding materials in the welding area. This helps to minimize material losses during the welding process, reduce waste generation, and promote more sustainable manufacturing practices.

Addressing Copper Welding Challenges in Electric Vehicle Manufacturing: Welding copper in the manufacturing process of electric vehicles presents significant challenges due to its low absorption of traditional laser wavelengths. Copper, an important material for electric vehicle core components, absorbs only about 5% of laser radiation in the near-infrared (NIR) range and possesses excellent thermal conductivity. However, these characteristics pose problems during welding, often requiring stringent quality control inspections.

Fortunately, green wavelength lasers provide a solution by offering improved absorption, allowing for faster attainment of the material’s melting temperature. This breakthrough leads to quicker welding initiation, lower laser power requirements, and a more stable welding process. By utilizing green wavelength lasers, manufacturers can effectively address the challenges associated with copper welding, minimize waste production, and enhance the overall sustainability of electric vehicle manufacturing.

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