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Application Of Laser Marking In Stethoscope

Every doctor’s stethoscope has a different story. This story can be legendary, hard or plain. The laser marking machine of medical equipment writes the feelings of protecting patients for doctors and explains the persistence and responsibility of doctors.

Stethoscope is the “cultural symbol” of doctors. However, with the development of medical machines, the frequency of clinical use of stethoscope is far lower than before, but stethoscope is still irreplaceable. A good stethoscope is very important for clinicians. Laser marking stethoscope enables doctors to better listen to the “heart sound”.

Many years ago, the food and Drug Administration (FDA) has implemented the medical product identification regulations, and it is mandatory that all product devices need to have a unique identification code (UDI). The laser marking machine is used to leave permanent marks on medical equipment such as stethoscope, which will not disappear due to repeated disinfection and clarity.

Therefore, the medical device laser marking machine can customize an exclusive stethoscope for doctors, which can not only show the doctor’s own style, but also cross the unfamiliar, shorten the distance between doctors and patients, and establish a good doctor-patient relationship. A small stethoscope is not only the carrier of medical skills and ethics, but also the hub of doctor-patient spiritual communication. In the hands of doctors, carefully listen to the voice of the human body, distinguish the differences, and look for various crux.

Health depends on life. The dedicated stethoscope of laser marking machine for medical devices will continue to help doctors go all out for every life even in the face of confusion and doubt! Ordinary breeds greatness, dedication breeds sublimity, and doctors compose touching movements of rejuvenation with selfless spirit.

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