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2023 Global and China Industrial Laser Industry Segment Product Market Sales Scale Analysis and Forecast and Research on Future Market Development Trends

Riselaser provides different laser equipment, including laser cleaning, cutting, welding, marking, etc., and the laser sources provided by Riselaser are very competitive in the market

Overview of the industrial laser industry: Laser has completely different properties from ordinary light. It is known as the “fastest knife” and “the most accurate ruler” and is widely used in industrial fields. The application of laser in industry is mainly reflected in the processing of materials by utilizing the characteristics of the interaction between laser beam and matter. Laser material processing is divided into laser material removal processing, laser material additive processing, laser material modification processing, laser material micro-processing and other processing according to the effect of laser beam on materials. Specific methods of implementation include: laser cutting, laser welding, laser drilling, laser marking, laser engraving, laser cleaning, laser additive manufacturing, etc. The application of laser in the industrial field has realized the replacement and upgrading of traditional processing technology, becoming a basic technology for modern high-end manufacturing, leading the manufacturing industry into the era of optical processing.

In recent years, benefiting from the continuous replacement of traditional processes by laser processing in various industrial segments, the global laser equipment market has grown from US$13.76 billion in 2018 to US$21.01 billion in 2021, with an average annual compound growth rate of 15.15%. With the continuous deepening of laser processing applications and the development of new application directions such as laser cleaning, the sales scale of laser equipment will continue to grow.

Since 2015, China has become the largest consumer market for lasers in the world. As my country breaks through the core technology of lasers, it has achieved large-scale production of lasers and core optical devices, driving down the cost and price of lasers, and increasing the market space for domestic lasers and laser equipment. Growing rapidly, it has become a global mainstream. China’s fiber laser market size has increased from 4.07 billion yuan in 2015 to 12.48 billion yuan in 2021, with an average annual compound growth rate of 20.53%. With the enhancement of the comprehensive strength of domestic fiber laser companies, the power and performance of domestic fiber lasers have been further improved.

(2) Development trends of industrial laser industry:

① The proportion of fiber lasers has increased year by year and has become a mainstream laser variety: While the scale of the laser market continues to expand, the market differentiation of different lasers is also more obvious, and fiber lasers have achieved great development due to their consideration of electro-optical conversion efficiency and beam quality. Benefiting from the development of semiconductor laser pump source technology and active fiber manufacturing technology, the performance of fiber lasers has continued to improve, showing strong market competitiveness in industrial applications. The market share has increased year by year and has occupied the largest market share of lasers. It is currently Mainstream laser types. As of 2021, fiber lasers account for 68% of the market share of industrial lasers in China.

② There is still room for further improvement in the localization rate of high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers: fiber lasers can be divided into small power (1kW-3kW), medium power (3kW-6kW), high power (6kW-10kW) and Ultra high power (greater than 10kW). After more than ten years of R&D and production, domestic laser manufacturers have reached a high level of localization in the field of medium and small power fiber lasers. In recent years, with the unremitting efforts of domestic manufacturers, some high-power and ultra-high-power fiber laser products have been independently developed and put into market use, and the localization rate has increased year by year. According to statistical data from the “2022 China Laser Industry Development Report”, as of 2021, the localization rates of low-power, medium-power, high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers are 93.94%, 90.21%, 52.63% and 59.26% respectively, and It is expected that the localization rate of high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers will reach 58.62% and 64.10% respectively in 2022. As the application scope of fiber lasers in industrial processing continues to expand, the requirements for performance parameters such as power and beam quality of fiber lasers are also getting higher and higher. There is still room for further improvement in the localization rate of high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers in the future. .

③The market demand for ultraviolet lasers will further expand: Ultraviolet lasers refer to lasers that can produce ultraviolet beams. According to the wavelength range, lasers can be mainly divided into infrared lasers, visible lasers and ultraviolet lasers. Among them, the wavelength range of ultraviolet lasers is between 10nm~380nm. Ultraviolet laser has a short wavelength and high single photon energy, so it has the advantages of high coherence, small thermal impact, high processing efficiency, no restrictions on material selection and low cost. It has high dimensional accuracy and edge quality, and can be applied In semiconductor material processing, micro-optical component preparation, etc. China’s UV laser shipments have increased from 3,700 units in 2015 to 27,000 units in 2021, with an average annual compound growth rate of 39.27%. Benefiting from the technological development of UV lasers and continued market penetration, the market demand for UV lasers will further increase in the future. expand.

④The market demand for ultrafast lasers will further expand: lasers can be divided into continuous lasers and pulse lasers according to their working methods. The pulse time of pulse lasers can be further divided into milliseconds, microseconds, nanoseconds, picoseconds and femtoseconds. Ultrafast lasers Refers to lasers with pulse times of picoseconds or less. Generally speaking, the shorter the pulse time, the higher the single pulse energy, the narrower the pulse width, and the higher the processing accuracy. Because ultrafast lasers have high-precision processing capabilities in the industrial field, they have gradually been favored by downstream manufacturers in recent years, and the market size has continued to expand.

The market size of China’s ultrafast lasers has increased from 290 million yuan in 2015 to 3.21 billion yuan in 2021, with an average annual compound growth rate of 49.29%. Benefiting from the technological development and continued market penetration of ultrafast lasers, the market demand for ultrafast lasers will further expand in the future.


(3) The impact of the development trend of the industrial laser industry on the optoelectronic component industry: Fiber lasers have become the mainstream laser variety, and as the application scope of fiber lasers in industrial processing continues to expand, high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers will be localized in the future. There is still room for further improvement in the rate. Due to the high technical threshold of high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers, it mainly focuses on innovation capabilities, core materials and devices. The R&D and industrialization of high-power and ultra-high-power fiber lasers are the result of collaborative progress in the industrial chain and require the support of optoelectronic components such as pump sources, isolators, and beam combiners. Optoelectronic components directly determine the laser power output by fiber lasers. The level and performance parameters are of great significance to the upgrading of the fiber laser industry. The continuous expansion of the high-power and ultra-high-power fiber laser market has also driven the market demand for high-power optoelectronic components. In addition, benefiting from the technological development and continued market penetration of ultraviolet lasers and ultrafast lasers, the market demand for ultraviolet lasers and ultrafast lasers will further expand in the future, thus driving the market demand for related optoelectronic components.

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